Initial Risk Assessment

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Safeguarding from abuse and improper treatment

Risk to you

Are there any specific risk to you that could impact on your safeguarding needs? (Can you rate them 0-10, 10 being highest risk)

Risk from You

Are there any risks you can present to others that we need to know about? (Can you rate them 0-10, 10 being highest risk)

Health and Well-being

In this section. We would like to understand all the various health requirements you have. Please tell us whatever you feel is important to you so we can provide you necessary targeted support. 

Emotional and mental well-being

In this section you can tell us about any issues, that may help us understand your needs around Emotional and mental well-being. Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following?
Have you ever been referred to support agencies for?


Training, Education & Work

What support do you need?

Reason for requiring Supported Housing (Please tick at least 5 in order to be considered for supported accommodation)