Case Studies

HW Builds confidence and skills

JW has recently moved into supported accommodation and battles with depression and anxiety. One of the issues causing him anxiety is his mounting phone debts.

JW discussed with his support worker how he needs help with budgeting his money and paying back the bills he owes.

The support worker discussed with JW that he could call the department of working pensions and ask for an advanced payment that could support him throughout the month and help pay back some of his bills.

JW said he gets very nervous when speaking to anyone on the phone.

The support worker discussed with JW how they will sit together and call the department of working pensions and if JW feels he is getting anxious then the support worker will be able to speak on his behalf.

Although visibly anxious JW successfully manged the phone call and his advanced payment was agreed.

JW was very proud of himself and said it was the first time someone had taken the time to help him manage what would normally be a very anxious experience.

This is such an important aspect of our work, building confidence and skills in our residents. This positive experience will counter previous negative experiences.

Providing stability and a consistent support network for AB

Has a significant history of addiction to pain killers following an accident several years ago. He has moved between numerous supported accommodation, never receiving the correct support.

He has recently visited his family for the first time in several years, which has been a significant outcome for him. With the support of his support worker, he has been able to access specialist drug services. Doing this gave him the confidence to visit his family and friends with his head held high and not ashamed of his past choices and dependency.

Providing stability and a consistent support network is vital to the long-term recovery for all our residents. Sticking with them, even when there are bumps in the road is vitally important. Having the resilience to push them forward.
